Bluegrass Amateur Astronomy Club (Lexington, KY)

Tonights Viewing Information


Planets (as viewed from Lexington, KY)

PlanetNext Rise TimeNext Meridian Transit TimeNext Set Time
Mercury Jul 27 2024 08:52:56 Jul 27 2024 15:24:25 Jul 27 2024 21:55:09
Venus Jul 27 2024 07:48:26 Jul 27 2024 14:44:56 Jul 27 2024 21:40:39
Mars Jul 28 2024 02:14:10 Jul 27 2024 09:26:11 Jul 27 2024 16:36:54
Jupiter Jul 28 2024 02:45:59 Jul 27 2024 10:04:12 Jul 27 2024 17:19:15
Saturn Jul 27 2024 22:52:04 Jul 27 2024 04:38:03 Jul 27 2024 10:19:58

Jupiter Moon Positions:

Jul 27 2024 02:00:00     c            g             J     i e
Jul 27 2024 05:00:00     c           g              J     e
Jul 27 2024 08:00:00    c            g              J    e
Jul 27 2024 11:00:00    c           g               J  e
Jul 27 2024 14:00:00    c           g               e
Jul 27 2024 17:00:00    c           g            ie J
Jul 27 2024 20:00:00    c           g          ie   J
Jul 27 2024 23:00:00    c            g        e     J
Jul 28 2024 02:00:00     c           g       ei     J
Jul 28 2024 05:00:00     c            g    e   i    J
Jul 28 2024 08:00:00     c             g  e      i  J
Jul 28 2024 11:00:00      c             g e         i
Jul 28 2024 14:00:00      c              ge         J i
Jul 28 2024 17:00:00      c                g        J    i
Jul 28 2024 20:00:00       c                g       J     i
Jul 28 2024 23:00:00        c                eg     J     i

East is to the right; i = Ioe = Europag = Ganymedec = Callisto

Lexington Sky Conditions:

Raven Run Sky Conditions:

Lexington Clear Sky Chart
Raven Run Clear Sky Chart